The Stokes Memorial Award
Established in 1958, The Stokes Memorial Award commemorates the memory of Arch Stokes, one of the most beloved and important figures in the history of horseshoe pitching. The award is presented each year to the person who has done the most during the preceding three to five years to promote, foster and build the sport. Arch Stokes was four time president of the N.H.P.A. His efforts rescued the game following World War II and built the courts in Murray, Utah, where the World Tournament was held 13 times.
In July 1994, Dave Loucks, while serving as NHPA President and Newsline Editor, wrote this wonderful article about Arch Stokes. Although more than fifty years have passed, Loucks as a youngster in the sport, made a number of trips to Murray, Utah, so he personally knew the Stokes family and had first hand experience of the work and efforts of Arch Stokes. In his trips to Murray, Utah, Loucks earned three Junior World Championships. There can be no better way to tell the story of the person the award is named for and to introduce those that have been recipients of the award than to repeat the article here.
To nominate a deserving individual please complete this form and mail to the NHPA President
1958 Elmer Beller, California
1959 Archie Gregson, California
1959 Katie Gregson, California
1960 Harold Craig, Indiana
1960 Mary Craig, Indiana
1961 Bob Pence, Indiana
1962 F. Ellis Cobb, Illinois
1963 Ted Allen, Colorado
1964 Ottie Reno, Ohio
1965 Irwin Carlberg, Michigan
1966 Reinard Backer, Utah
1967 Will Guillickson, Minnesota
1968 Ralph Dykes, Illinois
1969 Leo McGrath, Ohio
1970 Wally Shipley, California
1971 Hal Hanania, New Jersey
1972 Rollin L. Futrell, Ohio
1973 Harold Cook, Florida
1974 Herb Okeson, Washington
1975 Bernard Herfurth, Masachusetts
1976 James Woodson, Texas
1977 Dan Schlosser, Ohio
1978 Donnie Roberts, Ohio
1979 Russell Gadoury, Massachusetts
1980 Gary Kline, Ohio
1981 Preimesberger Family, Minnesota
1982 Sol Berman, New Jersey
1983 Lee Davis, Florida
1984 Lee Elbe, Missouri
1985 Vince Yannetti, New Jersey
1986 Bob Champion, Colorado
1987 Terrence Dougherty, Pennsylvania
1988 Dave Loucks, California
1989 Walter Ray Williams Jr., California
1990 Don Koso, Nebraska
1991 Don Titcomb, California
1992 Earl Winston, Missouri
1993 Winnie Winetrout, Washington
1994 Ed Domey, Massachusetts
1995 Vicki Winston, Missouri
1996 Jack Freeman, Tennessee
1997 Don Weaver, Nevada
1998 Bob Dunn, Minnesota
1999 Charles Bunner, West Virginia
2000 Steve Summerlin, Michigan
2001 Dick Hansen, Wisconsin
2002 Paul Stewart, North Carolina
2003 Glenn Jamieson, California
2004 Casey Sluys, California
2005 Bonnie Seibold, Indiana
2006 Joe Faron, Missouri
2007 Lorraine Sternberg, Wisconsin
2008 Stuart Sipma, North Dakota
2009 Kurt Whaley, South Dakota
2010 Jerry LaBrosse, Minnesota
2011 Paula Summerlin, Michigan
2012 Gary Roberts, Ohio
2013 Jeanette Claas, Missouri
2014 Dan Sanders, Ohio
2015 Rob Hagman, Minnesota
2016 Ron Weiss, Pennsylvania
2017 David Sidles, Nebraska
2018 Jerry Smith, California
2019 Kevin Lewis, Utah
2020 Mel Yockstick Colorado
2021 Aleena Lepak Wisconsin
2022 Ron Taylor South Carolina
2023 Jeff Secord, Wisconsin
2024 Blaine Scott, Utah