This, the first issue of THE HORSESHOE PITCHER, was made possible only through the confidence of the subscribers who took a chance, unseen, of a publication that I had promised to issue! Because of this confidence shown me, I have gone to the expense of having the whole thing printed instead of having it mimeographed.
As a property, this is my publication, but when it comes to horseshoe matters it belongs to EVERYONE interested in our game. Regardless of my personal opinions I want each and every one to consider this magazine an open forum for you to express your opinions and ideas and send them in to me for publication. This, I think, will eventually bring forth something new and good for the promotion of the horseshoe game.
Any magazine, to be successful, must necessarily depend on three things, viz: subscriptions, advertisements and reading matter and I am calling on you for all three.
This is an excerpt from the very first issue of the magazine. Issues are available for you to peruse and enjoy a look into our past.
Blaine, NHPA Webmaster
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a couple missing info, perhaps someone can provide a copy to scan