BERT SNART, Manitoba, Canada

Inducted 1976

Organizer: Bert, from Dauphin, Manitoba, got his start in the game back in 1935.  He promoted horseshoes in the Canadian Armed Forces for four years starting in 1943.  Bert served as Manitoba Horseshoe Pitchers’ Association President from 1948-1978 and was Dauphin Horseshoe Club President for 32 years.  He organized 42 clubs throughout Canada.  For 25 years he was Provincial Tournament Director, conducting over 500 tournaments during that time.  He has done promotional work many times on television and radio.   Since 1970, the Dauphin Club in Manitoba has been awarding the “Bert Snart Trophy” in his honor.  Bert did not lack in pitching skills either, he was Manitoba Champion 15 times between the years 1938 and 1965.