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published March-April 2016


Two New Additions to the Guidelines Section of the RGS Book 2016

by Dan Sanders, 1st Vice President and Bylaws/Rules/Grievance Director


Part 2: Inappropriate Behavior during Sanctioned Events


The sport of horseshoe pitching is generally thought of as a “gentleman's game,” with each game starting and ending with a handshake. Expected behavior is generally touched upon in some of the various Playing Rules sections, and may also be learned from other pitchers. Rule 12 includes some specific examples of inappropriate conduct and related consequences, and in our NHPA Bylaws, Article III, Section 8 lists six offenses that may result in an NHPA suspension for up to one year. It is hoped that this set of Guidelines will be helpful to our members, Tournament/League Directors, and Charter Officers, informing them of what can/should be done about behaviors that are deemed inappropriate, what to do on subsequent offenses, and if and when the NHPA needs to become involved.


Guideline 6 – Un-sportsman-like Behavior

NHPA Recommendations for the Handling of Un-sportsman-like Behavior at Sanctioned Events

The following information is published here to provide guidelines for members, Tournament/League Directors, Committees, Regional Directors, and Charter Officers to consider and use in dealing with undesirable or unacceptable behaviors seen or heard in the area of the courts during NHPA-sanctioned events. The possible consequences included here are NHPA recommendations and have been arranged, more or less, from the least severe to the most severe.


Level 1 - A verbal reminder by the Tournament/League Director, to the offender, that the behavior is inappropriate. This reminder could be made by any member to the T/L Director, either during or after the game/event. This verbal reminder could be repeated a second time, before moving to level 2.


Level 2 - A verbal reminder followed by a written notice… A verbal reminder/warning to the offender PLUS a written notice that states the inappropriate behavior and that this behavior will not be tolerated in the future. This written notice or a standard/competed form (available upon request) could be sent by the T/L Director, the RD, or by a designated Charter Officer. Charter Officers should be notified about and approve this written notice in advance of its' being sent. This could be repeated a 2nd time, before moving to level 3.


Level 3 - A written notice of suspension from this tournament/league for a designated period of time. One to twelve months is suggested. A written notice or form describing the inappropriate behavior and consequence should be sent to the offender by the T/L Director, the RD, or by a designated Officer. Charter Officers should be notified and approve this suspension in advance, and a copy of this suspension notice will be sent to all tournament directors of other tournaments where this pitcher normally pitches.


Level 4 - Suspension from all Charter Tournaments and/or Leagues for a designated period of time. Not less than 4 months or more than one year is suggested. Under these terms, the offender would be allowed to participate in any other Charter/State events, and could still qualify for entering the WT. The NHPA must be involved in this suspension process, and must approve the suspension in advance. Other States/Charters where this offender may pitch (see NatStats) should be notified of this suspension and should notify the NHPA of any future mis-conduct.


Level 5 - Suspension from the NHPA for a designated period of time. Six months or a year is suggested. The NHPA must be involved in this process and must approve this suspension in advance. Written notification should be sent by the Charter President or NHPA President, upon approval of the NHPA Council.


Note: Depending on the severity of the offense, the consequence issued could begin at any of the above levels. The first 3 levels should be handled at the Charter level, but for levels 4 and 5, the NHPA Vice-president in charge of Grievances and Suspensions must become involved in this process.

